For Leaders Who Are Readers

Authors Speak Series

30-minute interviews with bestselling authors and leadership experts

Take part in our free Authors Speak series, a 30-minute online interview with bestselling authors and leadership experts who are deeply passionate about people, growth and driving change. Bring your questions to the 10-minute audience Q&A. A fantastic opportunity for collaborative learning with your peers.  Our interest will determine which books are featured in our upcoming Leadership Learning Labs.

Upcoming Authors

July 24th:
Amy Edmondson

Author of The Right Kind of Wrong, The Science of Failing Well

August 14th:
Karin Hurt

Co-Author of Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict

Sept. 5th:
Jeff Wetzler

Author of ASK, Tap into the wisdom of people around for unexpected breakthroughs in leadership and life

Sept. 18th:
Shannon Huffman Polson

Author of The Grit Factor: Courage, Resilience, and Leadership in the Most Male-Dominated Organization in the World

Past Events

June, 2024
Nate Regier, PhD

Author of Seeing People Through: Unleash Your Leadership Potential with the Process Communication Model®

About the Author: Nate Regier, Ph.D. is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, award-winning author, a former practicing psychologist and expert in social-emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication and leadership.  Leadership Keynote Speaker Dr. Nate Regier | Next Element (

About the Book:  Assessments like MBTI, DiSC, and StrengthsFinder are popular for understanding personality. Unfortunately, the results often isolate people in neat boxes rather than build bridges across their differences. The Process Communication Model (PCM), finds common ground between individuals. According to PCM, we all have a feeler, a thinker, a believer, a dreamer, a rebel, and a promoter within us; it’s the proportions that vary. We default to communicating with our strongest part, when we should be communicating using the part we have most in common with others. 

What Participants Said: Coming Soon!

May, 2024
Mark C. Crowley

Author of Lead from the Heart:
Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century

About the Author: Mark is an Award-Winning Pioneer of Heart-Led Leadership. A Bestselling Author, host of the Acclaimed Lead from the Heart Podcast with audiences in 175 countries, and a Twitter following of over 141,000 people and a regular leadership contributor to multiple top tier publications.

About the Book: In Mark’s book he provides the roadmap workplace leaders worldwide are seeking: How to inspire and manage other human beings in the post-pandemic era most successfully and sustainably.  He shows how trading in the old business playbook for heart-led leadership strategies will create purpose-driven, dedicated employees and higher levels of performances.

What Participants Said:  Coming Soon!

May, 2024
Dr. Haesun Moon

Author of Coaching a-z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words

About the Author: Dr. Moon cares about people experiencing better conversations at home and at work – and she does that by training, coaching, and consulting. She believes that conversations can change the world, and she defines this process as hosting dialogic conditions in which people participate to imagineer and perform their preferred change. Her academic and professional research in coaching dialogues and pedagogy from the University of Toronto led to development of a simple coaching model, Dialogic Orientation Quadrant (DOQ).  Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching

About the Book: Language is a powerful tool that can unite, engage, and move people to action. It’s all in what you choose to say, and how you say it. In this practical, accessible guide to having more powerful conversations, leading evidence-based coaching expert Haesun Moon offers a set of powerful words or phrases—one for every letter of the alphabet—to help you move others toward greater purpose and accomplishment.

What Participants Said:  Coming Soon!

May, 2024
Urs Koenig

Author of Radical Humility:
How Be A Badass Leader and A Good Human

About the Author: When companies need to inspire, engage, and develop their people while at the same time delivering stellar results in today’s hyper-competitive and complex business environment, they call Urs Koenig. Urs is an internationally renowned keynote speaker, bestselling author, and leading expert on humble leadership.  Urs Koenig Website

About the Book: Urs’ research-backed Radical Humility Framework is packed with tangible tools and practical takeaways, leaving audience members with the ultimate actionable blueprint for a new type of leader for a new type of world. 

What Participants Said: Coming Soon!

February, 2024
Nate Regier

Author of Compassionate Accountability
How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results

About the Author: Nate Regier, Ph.D. is the CEO and founding owner of Next Element Consulting, award-winning author, a former practicing psychologist and expert in social-emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication and leadership.  Leadership Keynote Speaker Dr. Nate Regier | Next Element (

About the Book: Compassionate Accountability is focused on the need to hold our teams accountable for both compassion and results…a challenge we all face after COVID.

What Participants Said: “Loved the conversation and walked away with some practical strategies that will work immediately for our team.  Thank you!” VP Non-Profit

March 2024:
Eduardo Briceno

Author of THE PERFORMANCE PARADOX Turning the Power of Mindset into Action

About the Author: Eduardo Briceño is an award-winning author, global keynote speaker, facilitator, and guide supporting leaders cultivating growth mindset cultures. Eduardo Briceno Website

About the Book: Discover how to balance learning and performing to bolster personal and team success with this revolutionary guide from a world-renowned expert in growth mindset.

What Participants said: “So enjoyed listening to Eduardo Briceno, Author of The Performance Paradox, with the opportunity to ask questions.  He provided so much information in 30 minutes…amazing.” 

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Share your favourite book, author, or quote, or the nuggets you took away from that author. Engage with fellow readers, exchange ideas, and explore diverse perspectives.

Facilitated Sessions

Contact us to discuss facilitating a Leadership Learning Lab with any of the books referenced, or the leadership book of your choice.

Linda Maul, CEC, PCC

Phone: 780.668.9481

Email: [email protected]